by Chris | Feb 2, 2020 | Podcasts
In Part 2 of this episode, an old friend of Chris’, Dr. David Jank, Dean of the Palmer School of Library and Information Science chat about a number of things, including the state of library science brick and mortar schools vs online learning, the profession and...
by Chris | Feb 2, 2020 | Podcasts
Welcome to our New York Library Association Conference Episode. This is our second year podcasting from the conference and because we had so many great guests, we are posting 3 parts to this episode. In episode 1, our old friends Barron Angell from the Florida Public...
by Chris | Nov 30, 2019 | Podcasts
Chris and Bob returned to the Long Island Library Resources Council’s Conference on Libraries and the Future. This year we had some great guests and because there was so much to talk about, we are splitting this episode into 3 parts. In this third portion of the...
by Chris | Nov 30, 2019 | Podcasts
Chris and Bob returned to the Long Island Library Resources Council’s Conference on Libraries and the Future. This year we had some great guests and because there was so much to talk about, we are splitting this episode into 3 parts. Part 1 was an interesting...
by Chris | Nov 30, 2019 | Podcasts
Chris and Bob returned to the Long Island Library Resources Council’s Conference on Libraries and the Future. This year we had some great guests and because there was so much to talk about, we are splitting this episode into 3 parts. Part 2 features Lee Rainie,...
by Chris | Nov 16, 2019 | Podcasts
Lara Marshall, Manager of the Hillingdon Borough of the London Public Library joined the podcast via Google Hangouts to talk about Hillingdon and the exciting things happening with coding and the Culture Bite Festival which is now a monthly occurrence. We had LOTS of...