Episode 88 – Elisa Lee and Unstacked

Joining Chris and Bob is Elisa Lee, Creative Director and Business Owner of Unstacked, based in Australia is an amazing project that allows libraries to see their materials as they are being researched and curated in real time! UnstackedĀ is an innovative Australian...

Episode 86 Matt Pascoe – Ipswich City Council

Matt Pascoe, Content and Customer Experience Manager at the Ipswich City Council Libraries joins the podcast. Ipswich City Libraries have multiple buildings and Matt talks about marketing libraries, Ipswich “Marketplace Library”, Library Pods, pop up...

Episode 85 – Dr. Eric Cole & Simple Cyber Security

Dr. Eric Cole, founder of Secure Anchor joins the podcast to talk about simple things libraries, library employees and patrons can do to better secure their online presence. Dr. Cole talks about 2 factor authentication, password strategies and most importantly, poking...